Tuesday, December 20, 2016

E90 Test bench

 With the holiday visitors coming I needed to clean up my test bench area.  After tossing everything in a cardboard box I was unhappy.  Doing some testing during my time off would be fun.  Decided to take my first day off and use it to mount all my E90 modules into an old computer tower.  There is a Kombi, IHKA, JBE and DME.  Soon there will be an EKP.  Need to do a little more to finish but it's quite portable now.

This will help keep my desk from being too cluttered and the test setup is wired up much better.

3/20/2018 edit:
Here is another video of the test bench.  Added a bit on to it.
In this video a Arduino with a CAN bus shield is mimicking the E90 DME signals to run the gauges and errors lights.  Another Arduino with a fault tolerant CAN chip mimicking the CAS module to turn the unit on.


  1. This is some excellent work here. Really interested to see more of this :)
    Are you using a Microchip MCP2515 CAN Controller and MCP2551 (or similar) CAN Transceiver with your Arduino?

    1. I'm using two 2515's and 2 different transceivers. For K-can I use "NXP TJA1055". For PT-can I use a 2551.

  2. Nice test bench. Can you send 18 pinout and how you power and connect to can of the cluster. I can't find anywhere wiring diagram. Thanks

    1. All wiring data I got from online. Search BMW WDS for sources.

  3. Would you be wiling to share the arduino code you're using to mimic the DME?

    1. Sorry that's not in the cards anymore. I attempted to a group project for this on bimmerforums but got very little participation. When I got bored of this project my son sold the software to get some more college money. Wouldn't be right for me to publish it now.

  4. Hi Thaniel. Can you please suggest if fault tolerant transceiver is required to turn on ihka on a bench? I'm trying to use mcp2515 with no success..

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think you mean the transceiver MCP2551. I was unable to get a MCP2551 to work reliably with a fault tolerant CAN bus (K-CAN). The wave forms of a Fault tolerant CAN and High speed CAN bus are pretty different. I use "NXP TJA1055" and it works flawlessly. (Either chip can be used with the CAN controller chip MCP2515)
